To embed a video, music or Flash animation directly in a paragraph, add a link to a document file, browse for your multimedia file then check the "Embed this multimedia file" option.
You can click the orange button on top of the screen or press the F12 key at any moment to launch a preview of your site.
If you encounter difficulties, consult the online help by pressing the F1 key.#13#10#13#10To send a support query, open the support form by clicking the enveloppe button in the upper right corner of the screen.
To underline a word or a sentence in a text, use two underscore characters. Example :#13#10#13#10My text with __underlined words__
Press the F5 key to reach the "Start" step quickly.
While editing a topic, navigate quickly between paragraphs with those shortcut keys : #13#10#13#10 CTRL+UP : previous paragraph#13#10 CTRL+DOWN : next paragraph#13#10#13#10It also works to navigate through panels.
To rebuild your website completely, maintain the SHIFT key down while clicking on the generation button (or press SHIFT+F12).
To put a word or a sentence in bold in a text, use two asterisk characters. Example :#13#10#13#10My text with **bolded words**
Press the F8 key to reach the "Publish" step directly.
In the topic list screen (F7), navigate quickly through the topics with those shortcut keys : #13#10#13#10 CTRL+UP : previous topic#13#10 CTRL+DOWN : next topic#13#10#13#10
Use text fields like %EMAIL% to define redundant text blocks (email address, company name..).#13#10#13#10To open the field editor, right click on the text field of a paragraph and select the "Field editor" option in the dropdown menu.
To insert a bullet list inside a paragraph text, start each line of the list with a '-'. Example : #13#10#13#10 - Line 1#13#10 - Line 2#13#10 - Line 3#13#10 ...
You can put texts and/or apply effects on pictures with the integrated image editor.#13#10#13#10Click the "Edit" option (aside the paragraph's picture preview) or use the ALT+ENTER shortcut and use the editor to customize your picture.
To insert a subtitle in a text, use the '+' character. Example : #13#10#13#10+My sub-title#13#10 the text of my sub-paragraph...
From the topic list (reachable by pressing the F7 key), enter quickly in edit mode on the selected topic with the ALT+ENTER shortcut.
While editing a catalog topic, navigate quickly between items with those shortcut keys : #13#10#13#10 CTRL+SHIFT+UP : previous item#13#10 CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN : next item
Make backups regularly ! it is better to loose a few minutes to make a backup than loosing months of work ! It is recommended to burn your site regularly on CD-Rom. Keep in mind that if your HD crashes and you have no backup, it will NOT be possible to rebuild your site from it's published version !
Press the F7 key to reach the "Topics" step directly or come back at any moment to the topic list (while your are in the topic edit screen for instance).
When a paragraph has a picture, you can open the image editor quickly with the ALT+ENTER shortcut.
To insert a link inside a text, use double brackets. Note that the URL of the link may be the menu name of a topic. Examples :#13#10#13#10 [[|click here !]]#13#10 [[My Album|Click here to view my photo album]]#13#10 [[|email-me !]]
To show or hide all the titles or texts of a photo album, check the "Title" or "Text" boxes while maintaining the SHIFT key down.
To open the support form at any moment, use the CTRL+F1 shortcut.
To put a "Return to the top" link at the end of a long topic, add a link to the last paragraph of your topic and configure it to point on the topic itself.
To group some topics together, select the topics in the list while maintaining the SHIFT key and then follow the instructions.#13#10#13#10You may for instance group some photo albums together in a unique topic.
Press the F6 key to reach the "Theme" step directly.
To insert an ordered list inside a paragraph text, start each lien of the list with a '#'. Example : #13#10#13#10 # Line 1#13#10 # Line 2#13#10 # Line 3#13#10 ...
You can adjust the compression ratio and then the output quality of a paragraph picture with the "Size & Frame" dialog box. For a photo album for instance, the hightest quality is recommended, but be aware that the hightest the quality is, the bigger the pictures will be to download for your visitors.
If you need to insert some HTML code in your website, use the script fields. Right click on the text field of a paragraph, open the field editor and consult the online help about script fields.
To put a word or a sentence in italic in a text, use two slash characters. Example :#13#10#13#10My text with //italicized words//
You may crop the picture of a paragraph with the image editor, for instance to make an ID photo from a group picture.#13#10#13#10Open the image editor then go to the "Crop Image" tab.
While editing a photo album, navigate quickly between photos with those shortcut keys : #13#10#13#10 CTRL+UP : previous photo#13#10 CTRL+DOWN : next photo#13#10#13#10It also works to navigate between panels